Ammapettai,Erode ph: 9865368997


Flooring is often of terracotta tiles or colour oxides. The bed is made out of broken brickbats (this saves wastage of brick), over which a 3” mortar layer is laid and tiles are placed over it. Various patterns and designs are worked out, dependent upon shape, size of tiles, span of flooring, and clients’ personal taste.
These tiles require little maintenance and are cheap. Also the patterns of tiles are visually attractive. Most commonly, tile shapes include square, rectangular, hexagonal, triangular or can be customized. Also, electrical cables can be run through these floors.
Another method of handling flooring is poured cement with colour oxide finishes, usually in red, black, or ochre, and sometimes with red for most of the floor and black as a border.

The athangudi tiles are entirely hand made with white cement,sand and pigments,cement,baby jelly,and sand along withsynthetic oxides define the composition.The tiles are cast from locally available clay that is burnt and glazed.colours are mixed with white cement and poured using a mould on a glass base.which helps give the tile a smooth surface and sheen.After the desdesign is packed with cement it is left to dry in the sun and then cured in water for a couple of days before being sun dried again.The laying process involves a special technique and lime.Masons are trained to deftly place the tiles at exactly the right level,allowing for variations in the tile thickness and weight.without camouflaging the imperfections of how they are laid